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On A Cold Winter’s Night, That Was So Deep….

An Historic Lunar Eclipse

Seeing the big bright Moon, especially low on the horizon, always takes my breath away.  I have a particular love for the Moon actually; not exactly sure I can articulate why though.  Perhaps because of its fascinating surface that can be seen with the naked eye, or how you can actually watch it rise if you’re still enough, or because it’s the humble, “lesser” light in comparison with the Sun.  And of course, there’s the enchanting moonlight that makes the Earth seem to glow, especially on a snowy evening.   

But a total lunar eclipse on a crystal clear night, right on the winter solstice no less, is quite the treat!  Especially when that combination of factors has only happened once in the last 2000 years

I couldn’t resist but to set my alarm several times last night so I could get up and catch the various stages of the eclipse. I also couldn’t resist trying to preserve the event in photographs, partly because I knew I’d be too tired to fully appreciate it as it was happening, (and I am one heavily prone to savoring the moment!). 

Below were my attempts to record the historic eclipse while shivering and half asleep. 

Luckily, I had a clear view.  All I had to do was step out my front door, position my tripod and click away.  Unfortunately, I was severely worse for wear the next day from lack of sleep.  But it was worth it, quite a beautiful sight.       

The whole eclipse lasted for several hours, with the deepest shadow being at 3:17a.m. EST, creating the stunning red glow you see below.   

It was a real treat to see this eclipse so close to Christmas.  I felt a taste of the wonder of the Wisemen, filled with great hope and anticipation, as they followed the star of Bethlehem.  The night sky has always had a way of inspiring me.

  • Tom - December 22, 2010 - 8:41 am

    These are incredible photos from the lunar eclipse during the early morning hours on 21 Dec 2010! Amazing photographic work!

  • Kat - December 22, 2010 - 1:22 pm

    Wow,Renata!!! These are so beautiful!

  • Zoe - December 22, 2010 - 2:29 pm

    These are really something! We fantasized about seeing it, but then it seemed cloudy and we didn’t bother setting the alarm. Bummer. Well done, girl!

  • Renata - December 22, 2010 - 5:53 pm

    Thanks everyone! Still feeling the effects of the lack of sleep, but looking back now I’m really glad I have these, and love that I can share them with fellow lunar lovers! 🙂

  • Susannah - December 23, 2010 - 8:30 am

    Thank you for this wonderful post and your amazing photos!! I’m so out of every loop that I was unaware of the eclipse! This makes me feel like I can enjoy it vicariously through you. That the pictures were made by you, makes it so much more “real” to me than just seeing the images on the news (not that I watch the news – or I might have known the eclipse was coming!). Since having little ones I’m not only loopless (and often loopy!), but I haven’t seen the beautiful moon all that often. I’m just not out after dark anymore. I love the moon too – it reminds me of all of our creaturhood. When you can see the shadow of the earth moving across it, is seems rather small in comparison to our Creator. And there’s also it’s comparison to Our Lady, reflecting the light of her Son. Beautiful!

  • Julia - December 23, 2010 - 9:53 am

    Wow, Renata, this is great! Way to capture the eclipse – way to get yourself up and poised to capture the eclipse!! I was bummed to miss it – your pictures are fantastic. Thanks for sharing!

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